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The Power of Water
Our physical bodies are two-thirds water, so obviously its qualities can heal or harm us so please take a moment to review the material contained in this section. We are confident you will find Aqua Jewel water systems utilizing magnetic, vortexing action and sound frequency that restructures and reprograms your water are the answer to today’s most vexing problem: the condition of our water – especially our drinking water.
You will learn that water seems to remember and later convey “information”. Back in the early 1900’s Austrian forest warden Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) coined the term “living water” as his research discovered that water had a livingingness, or vitality when in its natural state. He discovered that when water is forced to travel through pipes it becomes stripped of its electrons and loses it natural geometries. These natural hexagonal, snowflakes like geometries or water clusters are what are found in healing waters around the world. He taught that water is a living rhythmic substance. In maturity, it gives of itself to everything needing life. However, water can become diseased through incorrect handling. Dying water harms animals, plants and fish. He admonished “Comprehend nature, then copy nature.”
Researchers in Japan have discovered that water is alive and conscious and responds to many external influences. In his books, Message from Water I and II, Dr. Masaru Emoto shows photographs of the water molecule resulting from his worldwide research. On our home page, you see his photos of Dallas tap water before and after treatment with Aqua Jewel water systems.
Being shortsighted human engineering, clear-cut forests, mega-project dams, and rivers confined into canals all tamper with the circulatory system of our planet. Even the smallest variations in a river are crucial as the water’s spinning motion recharges it with subtle energies. Stagnant bottled water, even though chemically clear, is dead compared to water in the rushing brooks. Water treated and then pushed through cities in the unnatural confines of metal pipes has had its natural order cancelled. All this leads to our next discovery: Victor Schauberger’s most startling observation was that subtle qualities of water can affect humans mentally and spiritually, either revitalization or deterioration of society.
So explore with the scientists and doctors that have made the study of water their life’s work and discover why with Aqua Jewel water systems, it is now possible to bring your water supply back to a more natural state of existence affecting both your physical and mental well-being.