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Date and Times of Meetings

ATTENTION: Due to no attendance, our weekly meetings are being cut to monthly meetings. It is unfortunate, however, I hope to go back to weekly meetings once more women hear about the meetings and start attending. I will do meetings for one or more women, so if on a week the meeting is cancelled and you would like to talk to me or have a meeting, I will re-issue a meeting for that week and post it on the website. So please check the website for extra meetings. Also if I do not hear from anyone, one day prior to a regular meeting, it will be cancelled.

Since your Support Leaders work full-time dates and times will change for meetings.

Space is limited in each meeting to create an intimate, comfortable environment, so you need email or write your support leader to let her know you are coming. If there are too many people for each group they will be shifted to a new date and time, most likely the next day. So email or write quickly to ensure your spot.


January Meetings

The meetings will begin once people start writing or calling with interest. I hope to have regular monthly meetings set up for the end of January and in time have regular weekly meetings.

Each meeting ranges in time, depending on what is being discussed. A typical meeting will last around an hour. However, it is not mandatory to stay for the whole meeting as we realize life is busy sometimes. If you are are having problems and would like to discuss them with your support leader, you may call during the week to arrange a meeting time to discuss your issues one on one.


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