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Press Release:

It is my pleasure at this time to introduce a new company into the snowmobile industry; AMERICAN HARDCORE RACING (AHR). This is very exciting for the snowmobile community as it brings two very well known patriarchs of racing into the mix; Crash and Skeeter.

As most people know, these two individuals are giants in the competitive world of racing. Crash initially made his name mushing in the Bacongrease 200 dogging a sledfulL of Alaskan Collies. After 3 consecutive wins in a row, Crash joined Team Scream for their attempt hillclimbing Mount Everest with Honda 125 three wheelers. After three attempts that were thwarted due to excessive hangovers from Colorado Bulldogs (drunk in the name of training; Mount Everest, Colorado Rockies – get it?). Team Scream was successful with all three, summitting the top. After a ticker tape parade in Katmandu celebrating their success and a knighting by the Dalai, Crash took some time to rest and write his life story. Unfortunately for Crash, his life story took all of three pages: Because he could not possibly believe it was due to his lack of literary skills, he blamed it for lack of life stories so he set out to make some more stories.  Prior to establishing AHR, Crash spent five years as crew chief for Rocket Robert MulDowney who was a daredevil Toro lawn mower jumper. Rocket and Crash made a name for Lawn Mower jumping with the unbelievable leap of 4 self-propelled Lawn Boys before a crowd at Townville’s Sundowner Days. Following that success, Crash decided to team up with Skeeter to unleash AHR unto the snowmobiling world.

While Crash knows snow, Skeeter is familiar with sun, sand and surf. He first sprung on the racing scene by making a last minute pass in the Dromedary 400 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with a controversial spit and pass maneuver in turn 3 on the white flag lap. He followed this with a complete annihilation of all comers one fine summer day at Chuckle’s Carnival Bumper Boat ride. No one even came close. Skeeter traveled to the United States and delved into Mod Turtles and was quite successful competing in various small town Turtle races. He once had a turtle that could go 0-6 feet in 2 minutes 32 seconds. Following his turtle success, Skeeter got involved in the quite competitive sport of frog jumping. After three years of competing, Skeeter won the coveted title of World Champion of Hinker County but under a cloud of suspicion that he injected his frog named Legs with Helium but nothing was proven. After the controversy, Skeeter decided to leave the Hinker County International Frog Jumping Circuit and hooked up with Crash to find and develop AMERICAN HARDCORE RACING.

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