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Programs Cheryl Gelatt 1288485227424418385


1. Wellness and Balance Program

Free yourself from unhelathy eating to find the energy and vitality you always wanted! Learn how to eat simple and healthy by removing the dependence of processed, packaged foods. Get to know the benefits of a clean diet and just how delicious greens, fruits and veggies can be and how simple and flavorful they can be prepared! Discover wonderful grains and healthy protein that will give you a spring in your step! Live your life with balance, relaxation and the rest that will give your spirit peace. Start moving and find an exercise routine that is perfect with your interests, lifestyle and time dedication. Move towards your goals an dreams in a step by step process that will lead you to both health and balance in your life!

2. Manage Your Pantry

Want to get healthy and start eating right but have no idea what’s really healthy and what’s not? Together we will learn how to clean your pantry from packaged, processed foods and all the items that sap your energy, add those unwanted pounds and keep you from having energy! I will show you how to stock your pantry with good for you items that make cooking an easy and yummy process!

3. How to do Healthy Shopping

So now your ready to get serious and you hit the grocery store, walk in the door and think now what? Learning what is really “good” for you and what is just label hype is important to smart shopping and your good health! taking a tour of the grocery store and learning the instant weight loss sections of the store and how to read food labels will better arm you with the knowledge to be a savvy shopper and get slim at the same time!

4. Yeah right! What’s Cooking?

So your busy running around leading a hectic lifesytle…car pool, working long hours, stuck in traffic but you need to eat or feed your family right? Let me show you simple, quick, well prepared meals that channel in inner Julia Childs in you! I promise that anyone can cook great meals that are healthy and quick so all you need is to learn how!

All programs can be tailored individually or incorporated into one program! These programs are customized to your unique needs with guidance and motivation to keep you on track for your ultimate goals! When you set up your Health Consultation, bring additional concerns and questions that will help me tailor the best program that is uniquely for you!

I look forward to your journey and helping you be the happiest best self you can be!

To your success, Cheryl


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