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“We Believe You Have the Right To Become as Healthy as You Choose To Be”

Dr. Anita Tate

Your first decision is how you want to begin your relationship with us. There are four different levels of care and specialty dentistry:

Level I: Urgent Care Emergency

If you are in crisis or an emergency, you need immediate help. We see emergencies immediately, whenever possible.

We are willing to help you with urgent problems, but we do not maintain patients in a long-term emergency or crisis-only status.

Level II: Remedial Care Patchwork

If you choose this level of care, you seek treatment only when something breaks or becomes uncomfortable.

We correct immediate problems with as little effort and cost as possible, looking only at the immediate future.

Level III: Maintenance Care Biologic

When you choose this level of care, you want to prevent present and future disease problems.

The quality of care is good, but still remains as maintenance care. Maintenance dentistry is more short range in duration usually meant to last only 3 to 5 years.

Level IV: Optimum Care Ideal

At this level, you choose to have a comprehensive examination and a personalized treatment plan for long-term health and repair. You want to achieve a future based on choice, not chance.

We work with you to maintain a healthy mouth free of decay, gum disease, bite detenation and pain. Your choice is to have a nice appearance combined with longivity of materials and freedom from re-occuring dental treatment.

It is not uncommon for patients to begin at one level and progress to a higher level. We want you to be comfortable asking questions and to share your thoughts with us.

Specialty Dentistry: Smile Enhancement/Smile Design

If you are healthy and just want a smile make over, we provide Aesthetics with the highest Quality resources available.

You deserve to have the standard of care that is consistent with your high value for health. Communication and concern for each other’s welfare generate successful results.

We hope you agree and will join our growing family of patients.


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