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Quot Where There S A Will There S A Way Quot 7253275625453250208

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”Luke 9:23And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.1.          You must want to follow Jesus Christ.”If any man will come after me….”·          No one can come after or go with Jesus Christ unless he or she first has a desire to do so. ·          Simply having a desire is not all that is required, but it is the first step. ·          When your will and desire does not “come after” or follow behind what Jesus Christ dictates and         demands, then you are no longer qualified to go with Him. This step is intellectual.2.          You must deny yourself all other wants.”Let him deny himself.”·          After making up your mind or determining within yourself that you do indeed want to follow Jesus      Christ, you must then follow through in the realm of your everyday life.·          This involves a complete change in your lifestyle and living. ·          Your culture changes. ·          This is not a one-time event, but it is a perpetual and continual way of life for the rest of your life. ·          You no longer consider your life your own; you recognize that you have been bought with a price. ·          Decisions such as where you will live, where you will work, what you will wear, who you will      fellowship, etc., will all be determined by Jesus Christ. ·          You now have a new family and a new set of friends.3.          You must bear your cross daily.”and take up his cross daily.”·          As you embark on your new journey with Jesus Christ, you will confront trials and bear burdens      daily that will shape you and refine you. ·          You cannot get around this; you MUST bear your cross. ·          You cannot bear someone else’s cross; you must bear YOUR cross. ·          You cannot choose your cross; Jesus Christ chooses it for you. ·          You cannot pick a little one or a big one; He customizes each cross for each disciple.·          And you will always have a cross to bear.·          Everyone has their own “thorn in the flesh”.4.          You must follow the leading of Jesus Christ.”and follow me.”·          No matter how far you have traveled with Jesus, He will always be leading you on to higher ground. ·          You never stop following Him. ·          You must always be sensitive to His leadings and His ways. ·          He will not always thunder from the mountain top; sometimes He will speak in a still, small voice. ·          He always answers your prayers; you must ever seek to understand His answer. ·          To follow Him you must ever obey Him. By Elder Tim D. CormierPastor: Apostolic Faith Tabernacle


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