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Resources44 Html 2071174522504461711


* Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.        * A good example is the best sermon.        * Every good thought is a prayer.        * What we pray for may not be for our ultimate good. “No” can be an answer to a prayer as well as “Yes.”        * If you worry, why pray? If you pray, why worry?        * No one is easier to deceive than oneself.        * The greatest fault of all is to be conscious of none.        * Any good that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.        * No matter how hopeless the present problem may seem, remember: This, too, shall pass.        * Living in harmony with ourselves is essential to living in harmony with others,        * Fear is the enemy of good works; it is a deadly sickness of the soul.        * More things are accomplished by prayer than the world realizes.        * Knowledge advances one step at a time; let us be patient.        * One with God is always in the majority.        * How poor are they that have not patience; what wound did ever heal but by degrees?        * No one’s knowledge can go beyond experience.        * The misfortunes which are hardest to bear are those which never come.        * Growth is the only evidence of life.        * A person who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.        * Love is understanding, acceptance, and tenderness. If it tries to strangle and possess, it is not love.        * The more often we think and act honestly, the stronger the habit becomes.        * The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.        * The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power within us.        * They hurt the absent who quarrel with the drunken.        * Al-Anon is a kissing cousin to invention because they were both born of necessity.        * If you find life is empty, try putting something into it.        * Beware of the rubber conscience and the concrete heart.        * The trouble with many of us is that in trying times we stop trying.



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