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Crawl EB from . This data is currently not publicly accessible.    My name is Phillip Ward and I would like to tell you a little about myself.  I was born and raised in Arkansas, attended college in Saskachtuwan and Texas.

I have been happily married for thirty years, the father of four, and the proud ‘Papa’ of four wonderful grandchildren.

My career history has taken me down several different paths that include everything from construction, to welding, to pipe fitting, and a few more. 

For a few years I found myself involved in running a very successful non-profit organization called Neighborhood Outreach. During this time, I worked with inner-city youth and gang members giving at risk young men and women a safe place to live.  I was instrumental in helping several of these students receive athletic scholarships. Quite a few of these young men have gone on to graduate and pursue careers in education, counseling, and professional football.  Two of these boys are my foster sons.

In addition to this, I became a partner in a successful oil and gas investment company based in Dallas, Texas.  This was a wonderful career opportunity that gave me a wide range of skills and knowledge in the world of investments.

Ever since I was a young boy, my dream has been to live in Alaska.  Three years ago I was able to realize that dream and become an Alaskan. Having been an outdoorsman all my life, there is no better place than Alaska to enjoy hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.

I became a real estate agent because I get great satisfaction in helping other people realize their dreams.  It has been some of the most rewarding work of which I have ever been a part.

If your goal is to find your Alaskan dream home, please allow me along with the  Barbara Hocker Team help make that dream become a reality for you.


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