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Privacypolicy Asp 5820297578169755668


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On some pages, you can submit information about other people. For example, you may tell us you have been referred by someone else to the AuctionMarketWatch program by entering the referrer’s email address. Also, you can provide email addresses of your friends during registration. These email addresses are not added to any email list nor are they redistributed in any way. The only thing they receive is one short email from you telling them about AuctionMarketWatch. It is a way to help you build referrals and earn more points.

Why We Collect the Information We Do.When you use some of the features of AuctionMarketWatch, we need to know your name, e-mail address, and mailing address. Once we collect this information, it is used within the AuctionMarketWatch community and no individually identifiable information is distributed to third parties.

We also request demographic information, such as your gender and age so that we can offer products and services we believe will benefit you. Once we collect this information, no individually identifiable data will be distributed to third parties.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our website and to share it with advertisers. For example, we may tell an advertiser that X number of women filled out our registration form, but we would not disclose anything that could be used to identify those individuals.

Cookies When you visit AuctionMarketWatch, we place a text file called a “cookie” in the browser directory of your computer’s hard drive. The cookie enables the site to recognize the personal information you have consented to give the site. As a result, we are able to identify you when you return to the site so you can change your account information, and use other services that we offer without having to re-enter your information. A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store on your web browser and later retrieve. The cookie cannot be read by any website other than the one that set up the cookie. We do NOT use cookies to examine your surfing behavior before or after leaving our website.

Cookies are harmless

Cookies are small strings of text, and nothing more. They aren’t capable of doing anything malicious to your computer.

Do We Share Your Information? We do not share your information with third party marketers; however, we do share customer information under the controls described below:

AgentsWe employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include sending postal mail and email, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card transactions, and providing customer service. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.

Promotional Offers Sometimes we send offers to selected groups of AuctionMarketWatch customers on behalf of other businesses. When we do this, we do not give third party marketers your name and address.

Business Transfers As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy assets. In such transactions, customer information, generally is one of the transferred business assets. Also, in the event that AuctionMarketWatch or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information will be one of the transferred assets.

The AuctionMarketWatch Program When someone joins AuctionMarketWatch after being referred to the program by a current member, the new member’s name and email address is posted in a member only database.

Security/Confidentiality AuctionMarketWatch does not provide individually identifiable information to third party marketers except as noted under “Limits of Confidentiality”. AuctionMarketWatch uses proprietary technologies to preserve the anonymity of members while matching their interests with targeted information sent via email. AuctionMarketWatch will under no circumstance reveal any member’s identity to marketers. It is solely at a AuctionMarketWatch member’s discretion if he or she chooses to provide personally identifiable information to a marketer by making a purchase, requesting additional information, or communicating directly with the company or organization after visiting its web site.

Limits of ConfidentialityDue to the existing legal regulatory and security environment, we may be forced to disclose individually identifiable information to third parties. We will use our best efforts to limit disclosure only under these circumstances where necessary by contract, legal process, or the technical operation of the service.

Thank You For Your Trust.We hope that you enjoy the features of AuctionMarketWatch. We value your trust and we are committed to your privacy. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, AuctionMarketWatch practices, or feel that your privacy has been compromised, please


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