An-abstract-image-created-using-street-lights-and-scaled.jpg by .

Quot Terms Of Use Quot 6100244986930566444


Please understand that the “Terms of Use” are provided for bothyour protection and mine; they are written to clarify the termsunder which the images contained within this collection may be used.These terms are legally binding.

Tutorial Terms:I claim copyright to all my tutorials offer within this site.

Give credit were credit is due by linking back to My tutorials may NOT be copied, emailed, placed in any collection or CD, redistributed or removed in anyway.You may NOT create line art from my tutorials.Groups wanting to use my tutorials, must email me first before placing a link.You may not profit from my tutorialsDo NOT direct link to the tutorial.What can you do?Anything you make from my tutorials is yours to use in websets, sigtags, blah, blah,blah…as longas you do not gain financially from it.My tutorials may be used in groups for learning PSP, but as stated beforeall groups must email me first before using them.Anything created from my tutorial is allowed to be used in forums, such as , …ect. As long as credit is given.I’m sure you can see these terms are fair and do not really ask for more then respect to me. Graphics & tutorials take lots of time to make, so please always give credit back. If at anytime I see my work beingabused and my terms not being met, I will be forced to pull my work from the interenet or make the tutorials into a members only site….please lets not let it come to that. I am more then happy to share my tutorials for free.It’s my way of giving back to all who have helped me along in my PSP learning.

Thank you for your understanding,CandaceÜ


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